Thursday, March 23, 2006

a hoarse throat comes with a satisfied glow

I'm a little hoarse today and no I'm not a small equestrian animal! - I have a husky, talked out sound to my words after spending the whole day on the phone doing training, practicing my event speech, mentoring, prospect calls and a wicked good conference about blogs. Now I sound like I've smoked a million cigarettes and shouted at a million football matches!

It's all been worth it though, I've finished the day with a warm feeling all over with the knowledge that I've done a good job and I'm certain I have helped some people today. One was cross line from me in my NM company, he downloaded the ebook and I gave him a ring... we talked for nearly an hour about how his business is (great so far!) and how he can take it to the next level with just a little more contact with his team.

While we was talking it occurred to me how close I am to being "there" in terms of running my own conferences and events. I've done some smallish online conferences this year and my first event is this Saturday in Leeds [link] which looks to be a super duper event! I went out today and bought some gifts for the competition and bought some certificate paper for awards like "most analytical recruit" or "quickest free play" and plan on giving everyone a little something for attending like a pc headset or diary. When I attended conferences from my company before it filled me with excitement and helped me along on the cold slow days but sometimes in a moment of disparity I would think to myself ,"how the hell am I going to get to that stage? can I stand in front of 200 people and do that? oh bugger"

...and here I am ready to do my first event where I'll get up in front of everyone and give them my personal experiences and how it can help them build their own businesses. I'm really looking forward to it too! My hard copy laminated plan had me doing this around now and so I truly believe that by September this year that I will be hosting a 200+ attendance conference and in the position of my "why" .

why do I do this every day? why do I talk to people? why do I continue in network marketing?

because I want to take care of my girl, her mum and her daughter. To know I am providing and sharing my success with those that care for me. (and then I'll have to go get another "why" hehehe)

ooo golly, I'm so close - I can smell it......

Bill Britt once said , "There is no secret. I simply showed the plan to 1200
people. 900 said, 'No.' and only 300 signed up. Out of those 300, only
85 did anything at all. Out of those 85 only 35 were serious, and out
of those 35, 11 made me a millionaire."