Saturday, March 25, 2006

The first mastermind group meeting . Leeds Event

The Leeds event was a resounding success! We all had a great day and it was a real experience seeing the people that I have talked to with VOIP for the past few weeks. Robby gave an excellent getting started section with what he did in his first 30 days and showed us his diary with week 1 - preparation and observation, week 2 planning and following through - sewing the seeds. Week 3 following up (reaping) week 4 support and a combination of 1, 2, 3 and 4 from now on. Awesome piece Robby.

The 21 game and following piece about getting off to a good start (and finish) seemed to go down well and I got a few laughs and people interacting with my half hour piece. It’s amazing what you can pick up from a few conferences and I was able to share the valuable nuggets that I have picked up from my previous jobs and motivational and instructional past and pass them on to people who I know will do something with them.

Well done to those that won a prize on the raffle and congratulations to all certificate receivers!! I took some good photo’s and should be able to upload them after I return.

I was really really pleased with how everything went and I can’t wait for the next one! (I’m expecting it to be twice the number of people too!) Look out for the news in late April for the next event in Leeds.

A big thanks to those that turned up and I hope you all got something out of the day….I know I did.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

a hoarse throat comes with a satisfied glow

I'm a little hoarse today and no I'm not a small equestrian animal! - I have a husky, talked out sound to my words after spending the whole day on the phone doing training, practicing my event speech, mentoring, prospect calls and a wicked good conference about blogs. Now I sound like I've smoked a million cigarettes and shouted at a million football matches!

It's all been worth it though, I've finished the day with a warm feeling all over with the knowledge that I've done a good job and I'm certain I have helped some people today. One was cross line from me in my NM company, he downloaded the ebook and I gave him a ring... we talked for nearly an hour about how his business is (great so far!) and how he can take it to the next level with just a little more contact with his team.

While we was talking it occurred to me how close I am to being "there" in terms of running my own conferences and events. I've done some smallish online conferences this year and my first event is this Saturday in Leeds [link] which looks to be a super duper event! I went out today and bought some gifts for the competition and bought some certificate paper for awards like "most analytical recruit" or "quickest free play" and plan on giving everyone a little something for attending like a pc headset or diary. When I attended conferences from my company before it filled me with excitement and helped me along on the cold slow days but sometimes in a moment of disparity I would think to myself ,"how the hell am I going to get to that stage? can I stand in front of 200 people and do that? oh bugger"

...and here I am ready to do my first event where I'll get up in front of everyone and give them my personal experiences and how it can help them build their own businesses. I'm really looking forward to it too! My hard copy laminated plan had me doing this around now and so I truly believe that by September this year that I will be hosting a 200+ attendance conference and in the position of my "why" .

why do I do this every day? why do I talk to people? why do I continue in network marketing?

because I want to take care of my girl, her mum and her daughter. To know I am providing and sharing my success with those that care for me. (and then I'll have to go get another "why" hehehe)

ooo golly, I'm so close - I can smell it......

Bill Britt once said , "There is no secret. I simply showed the plan to 1200
people. 900 said, 'No.' and only 300 signed up. Out of those 300, only
85 did anything at all. Out of those 85 only 35 were serious, and out
of those 35, 11 made me a millionaire."

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Think and Grow Rich progress (book and life)

I've not been able to attend the live prospect calls all this week and I missed Judith May's segment on low cost advertising, you know why? because my business has been so busy!! I've took the Think and Grow Rich book to heart lately.
The decisions chapter, many made and committed to.
Phone calls, many made and many great!
Offline advertising, again, new methods and new results.
Home presentations! yup, actually going and visiting someone in their own home and sometimes presenting "across the kitchen table" as is talked and quoted about in the myriad of different sources of information I have been absorbing this year!

I've listened and listened to Tom Big Al Schreiter's CD's (15 of them), Anthony Robbins tapes, watched fantastic movies, had meetings and arranged my own event (happening on 25th this month).

And now my lotto blog [link] has got it's Google PR of 5 and has suddenly started appearing at the top 2 or 3 spots on searches for my major keywords. The blog has just clocked 100,000 visitors since November, I'm really pleased with the repeat visitor percentage and it has proven to be a useful tool for my team. Not only to learn new things but to use when talking to prospects to show them the kind of support that they can expect.


I started to feel rich months ago, I discovered my internal faith was justified around the same time so I burnt a rather large bridge (metaphorically) and not looked back. I have no deity or specific religious belief system to give thanks to but I do try to thank the universe as a whole and look for things to do that 'pay back' for the great things I am feeling. (the term infinite intelligence sounds awfully familiar but I've only noticed it since reading the above book so I talk to that sometimes - is that praying? nah, I prefer the term meditating, besides, it answers back) :-) hehe, and this is where you call for the men in white coats.

Just recently I gave up the cow, not some crazy addictive substance, but beef. I was talking to my partner about all things 'universey' and how things repeat themselves in almost everything and moved on to the subject of giving thanks if you don't have a specific 'god' to give thanks to and she said if I wanted to give back something that would mean a lot to her and her mother it was to not eat beef any more. So no more steaks or burgers for me and I'm happy with that. More and more of what I hear about Buddhism fits with my own current experiences, I like also that it isn't exactly a 'religion' but more a path of practice of insights into the true nature of life and I don't believe in coincidence so everything that is happening in my life keeps saying "yup, this way...not far now..." sometimes it's scary!! but the nice kind of scary that you get on a good rollercoaster and sometimes it can even make me buzz like a coffee machine with double strength Columbian brown-pow! (decency stops me from telling how that feeling affects my relationship and it's 'relations' fnarr fnarr)

Feels like being in love (which I am so I get double).

Oh and by Wednesday this week, I will have zero balance on ALL my credit cards AND my loan. hah! .... all aboard! next stop happiness and success with someone to share it with......

till next time

Andy Bailey
New UK Free phone number - 0800 0430587

Friday, March 03, 2006

Mastermind groups

I've already seen the power of a mastermind group with MFF [link] and now I have set up my own online way of having a similar group with my own networking team. Tonight is the first one and with the power of the internet, I am able to invite a global audience. If you'd like to come along and see what happens visit at 7.30pm GMT.

Anyone is welcome to come and listen, there are a few guest speakers and the beauty of it is...if you're not making a decent contribution (like noise makers that happen on some conference calls) then no-one listens to you! The whole room can listen in on one person and choose not to hear others so hopefully, there wont be any hecklers!

Now off to prepare the program...